3 Reasons why Self Care isn’t Selfish.

Have you ever felt guilty about the idea of Self Care? “Self-Care” is a fancy buzz-word that’s been a hot topic for awhile now. I know; it seems selfish to step away from the important stuff of life just to take care of yourself. Keep reading to learn 3 Reasons why Self Care isn’t Selfish. (Because, it's not supposed to be!)

“I’m just SO TIRED!!!” I sobbed to my husband one night. He said “Okay, let’s get you some time for a break…” I quickly replied, “But… I feel SO GUILTY for taking time away!”

He stared at me, bewildered, and asked, “Why do you feel guilty? You need space to re-charge, so let’s make sure you get it.”

(Yeah, he’s incredibly sweet — and he’s MINE, so… back off, ladies. 😉)

3 Reasons why Self Care isn’t Selfish

But it's not just me that struggles with feelings of guilt about self-care. I’ve chatted with lots of women… and we ALL seem to feel guilty for taking any time for ourselves. Are you ready for the BIG NEWS?

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish.

(There… I said it.)

You are ALLOWED to take care of yourself! And, what’s more, you NEED to take care of yourself! In order to explain WHY self-care is so important, let’s look at the definition of Self-Care. (I love a good definition!)

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Self-Care (noun) :

"The practice of taking action to improve or protect one's health and well-being."

Okay. So… that’s pretty self-explanatory, right? If it still feels kinda selfish, though… Let’s take a closer look at the reasons for a consistent self-care practice. Are you ready? Here are…



3 Reasons why Self Care isn’t Selfish:

  • It Creates an Overflow for Others:

    If you struggle with feeling guilty about self-care, you probably feel like you give until you’re exhausted and empty. Let’s look at that perspective for a moment: If you fill a cup up and then pour it out, it’s empty (and you have to fill it again).

    But; If you fill that same cup until it overflows, the extra just starts pouring everywhere. With consistent self-care, you’ll be able to POUR out of the overflow, instead of feeling drained and empty.

  • Self Care isn’t all Bubble Baths and Rainbows!

    I know, I know… that’s a total bummer. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but my current version of self-care also includes my HOUSEWORK. Let me explain:

    If self care is about improving or protecting your health and well-being,… then sometimes that means doing the not-so-fun things, like changing your diet or holding yourself accountable to doing the dishes before you go to bed.

    Self-care is about figuring out what things you need in your life that keep you operating at the highest level — so that you have the capacity to take care of who and what matters most to you.

  • Jesus made time to rest and recover.

    And… He’s, like, GOD. So, if it’s good enough for him, then maybe you should give self-care a little more credit. Seriously; think about it: He stepped aside and went off by himself in several passages in the New Testament. He got in a boat and slept through a storm. He went away from the crowds.

    Mark 6:31 says “And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”



I hope this helps you see that self care isn’t a selfish practice… but that it’s also a necessary part of life. (Especially if you have people and things in your life that you care deeply about!)


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