How Bullet Journaling helped me get my Life together.

I am the OPPOSITE of organized. I don’t love routines or schedules, and if I’m left to my own tendencies, I’ll forget doctor’s appointments, and there will be piles of papers filled with notes all over my house. I’ve tried everything to help with my dis-organized ways — I bought planners, tried block scheduling, and set up pomodoro timers. And then… I discovered the Bullet Journal! Keep reading to learn how Bullet Journaling helped me get my life together!

I used to be a Hot Mess. I spent years of my life feeling envious of the “born organized” type. You know the ones… The magical, unicorn people that are great at planning, with their calendars so neatly scheduled months ahead of time.


Planning and scheduling has just never come naturally to me. And I tried… OH, I tried. I attempted to schedule things. I tested methods, and routines. I looked up All The Things about planning, scheduling, and organizing on Pinterest. And then one (fateful) day, a friend said “I’m going to try Bullet Journaling for the New Year!” and I decided to join her. So, in January (2017), I did some Googling on the original method, bought a cheap grid-book on Amazon, and decided to give it a month or two.

And everything changed.

When I say it was life changing — I’m not exaggerating. My husband noticed it within a few weeks. He said “You are SO much more organized!” and he would often comment on how much more prepared I was, and how much less frazzled I was. This system literally changed my life. So, if you’re a (recovering) Hot Mess like me… I hope you’ll read this with an open mind and see why it might work for you.


Here’s How Bullet Journaling helped me get my Life together:

  • It Holds All The Things!

    What I liked the MOST when I started bullet journaling is that it’s designed to hold all of your information was in one place. I loved the idea of not having sticky notes and scraps of paper everywhere! And it worked. As soon as I began bullet journaling, the paper-piles began to reduce, and I wasn’t searching for the random brain-dump papers anymore. You’ll never have to wonder “Where did I write that!?” because you know exactly where it is.

  • It’s great for Daily Tasks.

    Before I started bullet journaling, I constantly forgot important things that I needed to keep up with. (Like if Alex needed me to make a call for him the next day.) I realized that I could just write it down as a to-do on the next day. If you’re forgetful or easily distracted like me, you’ll have a way to write down important dates and notes — so you never have to forget again.

  • It’s Incredibly Flexible!

  • My favorite part about Bullet Journaling is that it’s SO flexible! If a layout isn’t working for me, I just head over to Pinterest and search for new layout ideas. There’s plenty of room for growth, testing, and trial and error. So; if it’s not working quite right… give yourself some grace, and use it as a way to test ideas and switch it up! I have a Pinterest board you can follow that’s FILLED with ideas of different layouts and designs for inspiration.

  • It’s Such an EASY System!

    To be honest: the bullet journal basically taught me HOW to plan. I know this stuff probably comes naturally to the born-organized people… but it’s not that obvious to those of us without natural organizing skills. Once you learn the basic system, you can slowly learn and create the tools that you need to keep your life organized. It’s not just a planner! It’s a personalized system that works perfectly — for YOU, your LIFE, and your PERSONALITY.

Just a heads-up: If you ever see me out in the wild, there’s a really good chance I’ll have my bullet journal nearby. And if you ask me about it… be prepared for an info-dump. 😁 I can’t help myself. #sorrynotsorry



Do you want to try Bullet Journaling for yourself? Here are my best tips:

  • Don’t get stuck in the original system! My bullet journal doesn’t look anything like the original creator’s… and that’s okay. Lay it out in the original system when you start, and you’ll quickly learn if something does or doesn’t work for you life.

  • Don’t get stuck in perfectionism! When I first started, I made myself a promise: I wasn’t allowed to rip out any pages or start over. That’s because I know how much of a perfectionist I am — and I knew it would hold me back if I let it.

  • Don’t believe that you “have to be creative.” I know, I know… we all see those stunning layouts with intricate artwork. They’re gorgeous! I’ve had people envy my spreads… and I’ve envied others’. Just look up “minimalist bullet journal” and you’ll be amazed with what you find.



Here are some helpful resources to get started with Bullet Journaling…

Watch Ryder Carroll’s Video to help you understand the process.

Follow my Pinterest Board to see what’s inspiring me!

My friend Cindy has a great blog post explaining her Bullet Journal Set-Up!


Are you ready to live your best life?

Join me for a Wonder Session!



My Bullet Journal Layout for 2021


How to choose a Word of the Year.