How to do a Brain Dump.

Have you ever felt like your brain is on over-drive? If you’ve ever felt like you have a ton of “clutter” inside your head, then, girl: keep on reading! Inside this article, you’ll learn How to do a Brain Dump, why it’s so helpful, and you’ll walk away with a list of brain-dump ideas to help you implement this creative tool in a way that works for you!

So… I’m an idea-person. And my ideas are usually REALLY BIG. 😬 I get a great idea, make a list to accomplish it… and then half-way through the project, I get another idea. (I usually decide to go for it and add something HUGE to my already large to-do list. 😜 ) I’m usually not worried about being able to handle the workload, and (as an Enneagram 7) I’ve learned how to find flow in the middle of lots of ideas. 😂

But every so often, I start to feel stuck.


To be honest, this doesn’t surprise me, because I’ve learned a ton about mindset and how it works. (Wanna learn more about your mindset? Click here! ) I’ve come to expect the internal roadblocks that occur.

But instead of just “expecting” roadblocks in life, and learning to “exist” with them in your life… What if you had a PLAN to deal with them? What if you could push past the roadblocks faster, so you could keep moving in the direction you want to go?

So, if you’re feeling like your brain is cluttered — with ideas, or just too many thoughts — there might be a really simple explanation:


   I mean, let’s face it: Life is BUSY! There are chores to do, your daily work or job, bills to pay, phone calls to answer, texts (and group texts 😳 ), people to spend time with, schoolwork (or homeschooling!)… the list goes on and on. 

So if you feel like you just can’t get out of your own way, and like your brain is on over-load… you might want to learn how to do a Brain Dump!


It’s NOT hard! There are SO many different brain dump ideas you can try, and I hope this article helps you find some clarity and a starting point. (So you don’t freeze when you sit down to a blank page or blinking cursor!)

Are you ready to learn how to do a brain dump?

1. Pick your favorite Medium!

I’m a paper and pen girl, usually… but I actually go between several of these options .(Paper & Pen and the Notes App are my fav!) You have to stick with ONLY one of these! Just use this list as a starting point — and give yourself some time to test this process in several ways.

  • Paper & Pen

  • Planner/Bullet Journal

  • Word Document

  • Lined Notebook

  • Notes App in Phone

  • Online App (like Trello)

I like using pen and paper.

2. Think about your Personality.

Do you like to write lists? Is everything color-coded, or do you have scraps of paper with notes scribbled on them floating all around your house? I’m a free-spirit, so “free-styling” is my main method.

  • If you like lists, write everything in your brain in list-form! Bring along some colored markers or pens, (Mildliners are my FAV!), and color-code your list once you’ve finished.

  • If you’re a free-spirit (like me!) just throw every thought you can think of on a piece of paper. You can circle loosely around each separate thought, doodle clouds around them, or just leave them all jumbled-up.

  • If you feel like you fall somewhere in the middle, try a journalistic approach. Just write your thoughts down as them come to you, using the free-style “stream of consciousness” writing, and see what flows onto paper.

I’m a free-spirit, so I just throw everything on paper.

3. Get Everything out of your brain.

Your brain is not meant to store information and ideas forever… Your brain is Not a Filing Cabinet! Have you ever had the same thought pop into your mind over and over again (often in the middle of the night, when you’re trying to go to sleep)? Your brain wants you to DO something about that thought or idea. It’s worried you’ll forget about it… so, Write. It. Down.

When you sit down to a brain dump session, just put anything that comes to your mind in writing. You might start with a list of groceries, and end with random thoughts that don't seem to connect with anything. It’s okay! There’s no “wrong way” to do a brain dump!

I love to color-code using mildliners.

4. Organize your thoughts/ideas.

This is the last step: (and probably the most important!) Don’t leave the thoughts on a page to take up space in a pile of other papers! I’ve done this before, and the un-used ideas is a huge waste of great ideas and energy.

So before you walk away… Take all your thoughts, ideas, and to-do’s and PUT THEM SOMEWHERE. If there’s anything that you need to add the the grocery list, put it on the list. If you’ve got an idea for how to parent better, or something important you want to share with your spouse: put it somewhere! Here are a few tips to help organize your thoughts:

  • Use colored markers, pens, or highlighters. (Again: Mildliners are my all-time fav!) Color-code your work by circling any “themes” you see in the same color.

  • Don’t be afraid to re-write your brain-dump! Group like-items together, and turn your scattered brain-dump into an orderly list.

  • Text conversation topics to your significant other, or add them to a reminder and schedule it to ring on date night!

  • Create a place to store ideas for future use. Use a Trello Board, make an “Ideas” note in your Notes App, or set aside a special page in your planner.

  • Add anything important into your calendar or planner! Sometimes your brain-dump will lead to great ideas or projects that you need to add to your schedule.

  • Start next week’s grocery list! 😆 Sometimes when you’re doing a brain-dump, random practical thoughts (like groceries!) will pop into your head. Write ‘em down!

Adding to a “stuff-to-buy” list.

Adding to a “stuff-to-buy” list.

Adding business tasks to my list.

Adding business tasks to my list.

Still feeling stuck in your Brain Dump?

Use these questions to get your brain rolling! First, take a DEEP breath, and then…

  • Write the FIRST thing that pops into your mind.

  • What am I feeling?

  • How can I take care of myself today?

  • What is making me feel stuck?

  • What’s frustrating me?

  • What’s overwhelming me?

  • How does my body feel?

  • What is bringing me joy?

  • What feels stressful right now?

  • What do I need to do?

  • What’s the Next Best Step?

  • How can I ask for help?

  • What is bothering me?



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