How to Live Intentionally. (part 2: VISION.)

Do you need a vision for your life? If you’re feeling stuck in the daily-ness of life, but you’re not sure how to envision anything different, you’re not stuck here! I’m here to tell you: You can live intentionally — and it’s not as hard as you might think.

Creating an intentional life (i.e. Chasing Wonderment) is a lot like putting an address in a GPS. In order to use a GPS, you need three things: Your current location (clarity), your destination (a vision), and the road that gets you to your destination (action steps)!

you need a clear vision to live intentionally

A lot of people get stuck in the daily-ness of life. Going to and from work, doing the chores, go to sleep, wake up and start all over again. If you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel going around in circles, then you aren’t living intentionally!

The problem with feeling like your life is a hamster-wheel is that you end up NOT living intentionally, and get really stuck. You might think “This is just how life is.” or, “I’ll do that after I retire…” These are symptoms of a stuck mindset that is holding you back from living intentionally!

Please hear me: You don’t need massive life-changes in order to live on purpose. I’ve found that you need three things: Clarity on where you are, a Vision for your future, and Action Steps to get you there. You can dream big, and live intentionally — even in the middle of a messy life.

It really is THAT SIMPLE. (and also, it’s NOT that simple. 😂)

to live intentionally, you need to have a clear vision!

Read all about the first step (CLARITY) here!

You can’t go somewhere with a GPS unless you have a destination address, right? You’ve got to have a basic understanding of where you’re going. I mean — that’s why you can type “coffee shop” into your phone and it will bring up all the nearest options. 🙌🏻

In other words; YOU. NEED. A. VISION. You need to know where you’re heading. Even if it’s a bit vague! You might not have an exact address, but once you start heading in a general direction, the action steps start to get more clear. Now, Vision-Casting is my FAVORITE. I’m a big dreamer, so helping you find your own vision is my FAVORITE.

in order to live intentionally, you need a vision

But if you’re not naturally a visionary, it can feel uncomfortable to find one! You might feel overwhelmed, or like your vision for your future isn’t “big enough.” You might be unsure of what’s possible, or feel like you have NO CLUE where to start when it comes to vision-casting!

It’s possible to connect the pieces of your life so that you can live with intention and purpose! (That’s why this is PART 2! Click here for Part 1 and Part 3!) So, let’s dive in:

How to Live Intentionally (part 2: VISION.)

(Grab your journal, because these questions will help you get one step closer to a more intentional life!)

  • What do you want to feel every day?

    Relax and let this be simple. Imagine waking up. Think about the feelings you would like to experience. How would you feel? What would you think as you woke up? How would you feel going to you work, and what would you be doing throughout the day?

  • What fun things do you want to do?

    Often we don’t make time for the fun stuff of life. What would you love to make time for? What do you wish you could do… but you’ve never gotten around to? What do you imagine you’ll do when you retire? (And do you really want to wait that long?)

  • What do you want to do “someday”?

    We all have ‘em: Those things that we’d love to do “someday…” and just hope we’ll be able to get around to. What are your “someday” things? What do you wish you could do, but just assume that it’s impossible, or too far away to let yourself dream big about.

Let yourself dream BIG, so you can live with purpose and passion NOW… and so you can create action steps and chase those big dreams with joy! (Read Part 3 here!)


Are you ready to live your best life?

Join me for a Wonder Session!



How to Live Intentionally. (part 3: ACTION STEPS.)


How to Live Intentionally. (part 1: CLARITY.)