Intentional Living isn’t “One Size Fits All.”

Have you ever gone shopping, and when you pick up that cute accessory that says “one-size-fits-all,” you automatically give do eye roll? 🙄 You might sigh a little as you try to wiggle your hips into that weirdly-shaped skirt. UGH. I’ve discovered that, just like I don’t fit in the mysterious category of “all…” Life is NOT “one-size-fits-all.” Keep reading to find out more!

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Let me explain:

 If you’ve been interested in personal growth for awhile, you’ll quickly see that EVERYONE seems to have the “perfect method.” There’s a million-and-one habits that you’re supposed to do every day, or some fancy (read: complicated) morning process that makes you want to laugh out loud (or cry!) because… you have a toddler.

Intentional Living isn't "one-size-fits-all.”

So… how are you supposed to live intentionally in the middle of all of these different (and often opposing!) methods? Here’s the thing:

Intentional Living IS NOT “One-Size-Fits-All.”

This might apply to other areas of your life — Maybe you’ve tried other people’s “methods,” but they just haven’t worked. I know the feeling. Believe me — I’ve tried. I failed at Block Scheduling. The Miracle Morning didn’t work with my kids needs in the morning… and then there was that complicated method of setting alarms in your phone that left my brain spinning. I’ve tried so many different “methods” for trying to get my life together! And here’s what I’ve learned:

there is no such thing as a perfect method for living intentionally

What works for your mother-in-law won’t work for you. What works for that person on Instagram probably won’t work for you. What works for ME won’t work for YOU. One size most certainly DOES NOT fit all.

Here’s what can happen when you get caught up in someone else’s methods:

  • You start comparing your journey with theirs.

    Please hear me: Comparison does ZERO good, except to keep you STUCK. Think about it: When you compare, you immediately start falling into the trap of “Well, so-and-so can do it, but it’s not working for me…” and you stay stuck, mulling over how or why the method went wrong. (Instead of the possibility that the method might not fit with your life!)

  • Since it didn’t work, you MUST be a failure.

    It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that if something didn’t work, you must have failed. Think about it: When you make a mistake, what do you do? For me, self-sabotage and doubt floods in like waves… but if my husband goofs up, he is much more likely to let himself feel frustrated, decide if he’s to blame, and then move on with his life. (Feeling no less poorly about himself.)

  • You start looking for a new, “better” method.

    It’s SO easy to experience “failure” from a method, and then immediately start researching again. Maybe you need a different planner? Surely, new organizing bins will help, right? You might go to Pinterest in search of more productivity tips. Sound familiar? (Yeah… me too. 😬) You’re not alone if you’ve searched over and over again to find more (better!) answers to the issue you’re trying to solve.

Here’s why this matters: Chasing Wonderment isn’t about “MY” methods (or anyone else’s).

It’s about creating your OWN path to intentional living.

I didn’t see growth in my life until I stopped following everyone else’s methods and started seeing what worked for ME! (And it was messy at first!) But little by little, I began to see changes. A little growth here. Some forward motion there.

It’s time to create your OWN path to intentional living.

Friend, if you’ve been stuck on the hamster wheel of everyone else’s methods, maybe it’s time to STOP trying to find the “PERFECT” method… and start testing your own!

This is why I don’t teach “MY methods” in my coaching or classes. My hope is to help you learn more about who you are, so you can discover what might work best FOR YOU when it come to living intentionally!

And that’s what Chasing Wonderment is all about. 🌿


Ready to start Chasing Wonderment?

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Here’s why You should Never Give Up.


What to Do when you’re Stuck in Perfectionism.