You can learn how to Journal!

Have you ever wished you could journal… but have no clue where to start? Look, I get it: It is SO HARD to start something new. When you try something new is usually when you struggle the most with your mindset. So, keep reading to get some mindset-shifting reminders — You can Learn how to Journal!

Whenever I share about journaling, it’s always met with a TON of questions, and I usually hear this: “I’ve tried, but it just doesn’t WORK for me.” And the more I’ve talked to people, the more I realize that their hesitation isn’t from a lack of ability… it’s from mindset blocks.

your mindset might be stopping you from journaling

See: Journaling might actually work for you — but you’ve got to get past those mindset blocks and just go for it. So. To put it in a nutshell:

You can Learn how to Journal!

(In a way that works FOR YOU.)

You can learn! That’s like, the BEST news EVER. Your brain was created with a capacity to learn, change, and grow — what a gift! 🥳 It’s no different than taking an exercise class, or sitting in a college class. My journaling practice has slowly grown over 20 years… But:

If I hadn’t started when I was 11, and filled page after page with angsty teenage thoughts (and cried over a few boys), I wouldn’t be here today!

journaling in my favorite spot on the couch

Here are a few of the mindset blocks that might come up if you try journaling (and some tips for how to combat them!):

  • I just don’t “get” it!

    I mean, what’s the POINT? Is journaling really helpful? When a client mentioned this in a session, I realized that we needed to talk about her REASON for wanting to journal. I’ll happily share my reason with you:

    Your brain isn’t meant to hold all the information you’ve ever thought, heard, or felt! It’s constantly processing, and journaling can help ease the mental clutter. You can read “ “to help you define your own “why”. (and… I deep-dive into this idea in lesson 6 of The Wonder of Journaling!)

  • It’s not Working!

    If you’ve ever had this thought, I want to challenge you: Who is creating your definition of “What’s Working” and “What’s Not Working”? Do you absolutely KNOW that it’s not working? Or does it just FEEL like it’s not working?

    There’s a HUGE difference between “feeling” and “knowing.” This is when it’s helpful to know WHY you want to journal. Once you know WHY, you can clearly see if it’s working or not — instead of basing that assumption on a random feeling.

I will trust that I do not have to have everything sorted out perfectly in order to come alive to this season wholeheartedly. - MHN
  • What if I make a mistake?

    To answer this, I want you to think back to your teenage years. Did you have one of those journals with a little lock on it that you hid under your bed? There’s a reason we hid them under our bed: They were FULL of our lives’ mistakes, and we didn’t want anyone to find out. 🤣

    My answer to this fear? Mistakes are the POINT of journaling. You get to make mistakes in private, and NOBODY will see it! Did you scribble out a whole line of writing? Who cares? It’s not supposed to be perfect, it’s supposed to be honest. Feeling angry? Vent your thoughts and feelings into your journal! Not only will you feel better, you’ll also be able to handle the situation with more wisdom.

What’s your biggest mindset block when it comes to journaling?

Leave a comment below, and let’s work through it together!


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Do you want to Journal? Here’s How to Let Go of Perfectionism and Start Writing.


What should you Write in your Journal?