Don’t let Comparison steal your Dust…

Do you struggle with Comparison? If you find yourself thinking about how everyone else seems to have it all together, or do it better than you… keep reading! In this post, I’m unpacking some of the things comparison steals — and sharing a fun exercise to help you get your own special “dust” back. 🌿

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Recently, I’ve been chatting about FOMO (the fear of missing out), and the two-sided coin of Desire and Contentment. But… Where do these feelings of discontent and missing out come from? I believe that a LOT of these are rooted in Comparison. Comparison is a THIEF, and it can steal so much from your life. Here are a few things that Comparison can steal…

  • Your Contentment!

    Comparison can cause you to lose your joy, peace, and make you forget to be present. It’s like you’re in a constant state of feeling behind, or like you’re not good enough. Like I shared last week, there’s nothing wrong with wanting something MORE for your life, but if you’re always aiming for someone else’s life… how can you enjoy what you’ve got right here?

  • Your Pace

    If you are always aiming for what others have, there’s a good chance you’ll sacrifice your natural “pace” to try to keep up. For instance: If you love a slower pace of life, but you see a high achiever KILLING it… you’ll be tempted to sacrifice the pace you thrive at in order to catch up to a person whose life is nothing like yours. Stop worrying about everyone else, (and how “fast” they’re accomplishing things!) and lean into a pace that brings joy!

  • Your “Dust”.

    When I was a teen, I played music with a folk band. When they found out I played by ear, and picked up songs quickly, they said, “She’s got the DUST!” You’ve got the DUST, too. But you’re so busy comparing with everyone else that you have NO CLUE how incredible you are, and the DUST that makes you unique! If you let it, comparison will steal your “dust” by making you forget that you had any to begin with.

If you keep scrolling, I’ve got a journaling activity below to help you find your own special “DUST” again! 👇🏻

Ready to find your “Dust” again?

Grab a pen and paper, or open a note on your phone — wherever you can write that feels most comfortable.

  • D — stands for “DO.” I’ve learned that often the things that are easy for you… aren’t easy for other people. You might not think of these things as special! But your ability to organize your home, play an instrument, or learn a 4th language is AMAZING to someone else! What do you DO without thinking? Take a few minutes to write down things that you do without thinking. Things that come easily or naturally to you. Things you don’t think are really “special.”

  • U — stands for YOU! What would you do over and over again, and wish you could keep doing forever? What would you stay up until 4 am for? What makes you want to LEAP out of bed every morning? What lights you up?

  • S — Stands for STARS. (Hang with me here. I know it’s a stretch. 😂) I want you to think about your DREAM life — with starry-eyed wonder! What would you love to do? Where would you be? Who would you be with? What would you feel? Whether your dream is to have a welcoming home, or to be famous… let it all out onto paper. (No comparing on Instagram or Pinterest allowed!)

  • T — stands for THEMES. I want you to look back at everything you’ve just written. Do you see any themes? Words or phrases that keep showing up? Similar words that all lead somewhere? Sometimes you see things that make sense (like how “freedom” always shows up in my future dreams!), and sometimes you find things that really surprise you!

Instead of looking at all the reasons you’re failing, falling behind, or not stacking up to the people you’ve been comparing yourself to, I hope this exercise helps you see all the things that make you an incredible, unique YOU. 🌿

Struggling with Comparison?

Let’s chat about it in a Wonder Session!
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Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough?


How to STOP saying you’re “Behind in Life.”