Why you should Always set goals with your Feelings in mind.

Your Feelings Matter — PERIOD. Feeling can act like guideposts, or warning signs… so you should always set goals with your feelings in mind! In this post, I’m unpacking a few reasons WHY you should use your feelings to help guide your goal setting!

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YOUR FEELINGS MATTER! (Yeah, I’m going to say that again!) I’m not talking about listening to your feelings so you can create a “perfect” life. I’m not talking about feeling happy because you have a butt-ton of money. I’m talking about choosing HOW you want to feel, and building that into the way you create your life.

Your feelings, positive OR negative, can help you create the kind of life you want to live.

Here’s why you should Always set goals with your Feelings in mind:

  • Look Into Personality Typing!

    The Enneagram or Meyer’s Briggs can be so helpful for you to understand more about yourself, WHY you are the way that you are, and why certain things matter to you. Once you understand what matters to you, and WHY, you can stop feeling guilty, and give yourself permission to be the amazing human you’ve been created to be!

  • Feelings help you be Intentional!

    Having a clear picture of how you want to feel (peace, freedom, etc.) helps you make intentional choices that LEAD to feeling those feelings more often! I follow a lady (Leslie Burris) on Instagram who is PASSIONATE about feeling peace. She shared an incredible tip that came from her desire to stay in a place of peace — She was feeling cranky each morning while making breakfast for the family, because as soon as she sat down, everyone wanted more. She switched their breakfast routine to a “charcuterie” style. Knowing what mattered most helped her think of a creative shift that brought SO much peace!

  • Notice what Doesn’t Matter:

    This helps you know how you DON’T want to feel! We put a lot of unnecessary guilt on ourselves for the way the world says we “should” live. You don’t HAVE to eat dinner at the same time every night! If you don’t love structure, you don’t have to live a highly structured life. Getting clear on your feelings helps you know what you DON’T want, and be intentional about not allowing those things in your life.

If you’re ready to look into the feelings that matter most to you, grab a journal (or open a note on your phone!), and write “I want to feel more ___________.” Fill in the blank! You can absolutely write more than one feeling! Once you are clear on what you want to feel, you can start to reverse engineer those feelings, and think more creatively about how you live your daily life.

Looking at your feelings is an important part of my group coaching program, because I really, truly believe that the feelings you desire MATTER! If you’re willing to take the time to clarify and connect with your feelings, it can make a huge difference in the way you live your life — and help you start chasing wonderment!

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Why you should think about choosing Long-Term vs. Short-Term Feelings.


What to do when you’re feeling negative emotions.