Desire and Contentment: a two-sided coin.

It’s really easy to get caught up in what you WANT. And I’ve noticed that there are two sides of the “desires” coin… you might be afraid of ambition, fearing that you might be greedy or selfish, or you’re struggling with discontent, jealousy, and comparison. If you’re not sure what to do with the desires of your heart, today I’m sharing about how Desire and Contentment are a Two-Sided Coin. 🌿

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So… you want to change your life. But… what if you want too much? What if you get greedy, or selfish? Or, what if you’re already feeling discontent with your life, struggling with comparing your life to someone else’s. I think these issues are actually two sides of the same coin — and they all lead to having a healthy harmony between chasing your dreams, and also enjoying the present moment. But you do you find the delicate balance between Desire and Contentment?

Are you AFRAID to have Desires?

Often, there’s a lot of fear and worry wrapped up in having bigger desires. What if you become too selfish, greedy, or just lose sight of what really matters in life? First off: These are NORMAL feelings! (And a sign that you’re a total sweetheart. 😊) But I want to remind you that it is OKAY to have goals, dreams, hopes and desires! Ambition is not the enemy here.

  • Look at people/stories you admire:

    I’ve found a lot of hope and freedom learning about the Proverbs 31 Woman. Did you know that about 3/4 of the verses in that section have to do with her income, money, the way she made money, how she used her income to bless her family and others… and, oh yeah — she bought her own FIELD, too. 🤯 This section of verses has given me a LOT of freedom to go after bigger dreams! If she can do it, then, darn it, so can I. 😉 Who do YOU admire, and how do you see a beautiful, healthy version of ambition showing up in their life?

  • Give yourself Permission!

    I hope that looking at a story or person you admire helps you give yourself PERMISSION to have big dreams! The fear you feel is just holding you back from making a difference in this world. I believe a lot of the dreams we have are gifts from God. Your gifts, passions aren’t an accident — they are given to you so you could do incredible things in this world. So go after ‘em, girl. 😉

  • Look at the Fears you’re feeling:

    Often, the fears you’re feeling around wanting more, and having bigger dreams are very telling. Take some time to dig into them — are they founded or unfounded fears? What are they rooted in? Where are they coming from?

  • Do you have a Scarcity Mindset?

    Often fears around ambition or goals is tied to a scarcity mindset. If you’re afraid that you’ll always be poor, or not enough, then it’s going to be REALLY hard to take the big leaps of faith required to chase your dreams!

Feeling afraid of your goals?

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Are your dreams causing Discontent?

Like the title says, this whole desires/contentment thing is a two-sided coin. What if you are losing sight of what matters right now? If your desires for the future and bigger goals are bringing up feelings of discontent, comparison, and jealousy… all hope is not lost! These are also NORMAL feelings! 😆 But I want to remind you that you can learn how to better handle comparison, contentment, and jealousy.

  • Don’t miss what’s here Right Now:

    It’s so easy to get caught up in wishing for MORE. Maybe you want the vacation, the newest phone, the next goal… but if all you ever do is “want” then you’ll miss what’s right here! (And there is still SO much good here!) It can be hard to shift your mindset towards contentment, but it IS possible.

  • Get Honest with Yourself.

    I’ve found that when I’m feeling discontent, or comparing my life to others, it’s often because I’m not really clear on where I’m at, or where I want to go! Sit down with a journal and ask yourself some honest questions. What is going well? What isn’t? What do you love? What sucks? Often our brains like to take the BIGGEST leap to find something to change our lives (A NEW HOUSE!), when what we actually NEED is a simple shift (LESS STUFF). (Need some guidance? Use these journaling prompts to help!)

  • Get Grounded in Gratefulness:

    If you’re struggling with contentment, it can help to be intentional about gratitude. I forget to say “thanks” to God sometimes, but it is such a gift to be able to sit on a cozy couch each morning with my favorite mug filled with coffee. The little moments are really where life happens… don’t wish it away. 🌿 (Try these three daily journaling prompts to help!)

  • Look at your Consistency!

    If you’re feeling discontent or jealous of someone else’s growth… you might be noticing the dissonance between their consistency and your LACK of consistency. (I’m speaking from experience, here. 🙄) The best growth doesn’t happen in huge leaps (that usually just ends up in burnout!), but instead simple, daily consistencies that build up over time. Are you being consistent in working towards your goals?

Friend, I hope you know that, whatever side of the coin you’re on, it’s OKAY. It’s perfectly normal to feel like other people are growing faster than you — or be afraid that you want too much. But I can tell you: Some really good stuff happens when you start to deal with those mindset blocks and begin to live your best life. 🌿


How to STOP saying you’re “Behind in Life.”


How to Get Rid of FOMO. (The Fear of Missing Out.)