Give yourself Permission to be Honest.

Do you feel like you're failing at living your best life? It's like… you KNOW what you want, but you just can't quite seem to make the changes you want. Friend, it's time to give yourself permission to be HONEST. Today I'm diving into 5 ways you can get HONEST about where you're at right now – so you can live your best life!

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  • Disclaimer #1: You don’t need my permission! But, MAYBE you need to give it to yourself! 🙌🏻

  • Disclaimer #2: While I’m talking about getting honest, I’m not telling you to “accept your fate,” roll over and die. Please don’t think that because this is “normal,” this is where you’re stuck! (Especially if you’re in an unhealthy relationship. PLEASE GET HELP!)

What I am saying is that getting HONEST helps you decide if, when, and how you’re ready to make changes. It’s OKAY if you’re not ready. But when you’re NOT ready, and you’re trying to force changes, you’re setting yourself up for a LOT of mindset blocks, shame, lies, and guilt in your life. (SO. Not. Worth. It!)

Here are 5 areas where you can give yourself permission to be Honest:

  • Get Honest about your Readiness:

    This is a fundamental question for anyone interested in personal growth! It’s OKAY if you’re not ready… but you need to get honest about it. Any kind of growth means massive change. Are you really ready for that? My favorite example of this is when Jesus asked a crippled man if he wanted to be healed. It seems like a stupid question… but healing would mean a MASSIVE change in the man’s way of life. Sometimes you’re ready for change in ONE area – but not in another. AGAIN: that’s okay! Get honest with yourself about what you’re ready for, and STOP feeling guilty for the areas you’re not ready to make changes in.

  • Get Honest about your Top 5:

    This is something I incorporate into my group coaching, as well as the Clear Intentions Workshops… clients pick 3-5 things that are their MOST IMPORTANT. And the first step with your Top 5 is to RATE yourself. How are you REALLY doing with the things you say matter most to you? I’ll warn you; it’s extremely humbling. It’s humbling to rate my business at a 7, and my kids at a 3. But, again – all good change comes from honesty. Once you know where to stand, you can get clear on what you’d like to change moving forward.

  • Get Honest about your Dreams:

    Are you a BIG dreamer? Sometimes when we think about our future, we have these HUGE, pie-in-the-sky dreams. And that’s great! But perhaps you’re taking it too far. Maybe, you’ve seen someone else’s dream, and tried to incorporate it into yours. Maybe it’s a dream for years down the road, when you hand off your business to someone else. Maybe it’s just not feasible RIGHT NOW, and you need to get honest, and figure out what IS possible!

  • Get Honest about your Calendar:

    So, you’ve got big dreams and goals. Yay! But… what if they don’t fit in your calendar? Often you’re beating yourself up for “not doing enough,” when… you literally have ZERO white space left. OR, you keep saying you don’t have time, but you’re wasting a lot of your free time on Netflix or Instagram. A calendar audit is a great way to get honest about the time you ACTUALLY have, and once you see it written out, you can get clear on where your time is going, and how you’d like to change that.

  • Get Honest about your Reality.

    If your energy levels, mental, emotional, or spiritual health is off, you’re not going to be able to live the life you’re dreaming about. Straight up: you could spend years feeling guilty for not doing all the things, OR, you could get honest about your current reality and decide how to move forward from there. When I first started my journey towards chasing wonderment, I was EXHAUSTED. I just needed a whole lotta rest! You can’t output at a high level if your current physical/mental/spiritual health is in the gutter. Get honest about your current reality, and create a plan of action to take a step forward. 🌿

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