Give yourself Permission to get Curious.

Do you ever feel like you’re always trying to “get it right”? I mean… you KNOW what kind to changes you want you want to create in your life, but you just can’t seem to get from Point A to Point B. Friend, it's time to give yourself permission to be get CURIOUS! Today I'm sharing 5 tips for you to start practicing curiosity and start chasing wonderment.

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  • Disclaimer: You don’t need my permission! But, MAYBE you need to give it to yourself! 🙌🏻

Often on a personal growth journey, we get so caught up in looking for the perfect result that we end up getting stuck in perfectionism! But when you start chasing wonderment from a place of perfectionism, you’re actually eliminating any space for curiosity!

What would happen if you start from a place of “Let’s see what happens…” instead of, “I must get this RIGHT.”

Give yourself Permission to get Curious

Here are 5 tips to shift your mindset so you can give yourself permission to get Curious:

  • Let it be Messy:

    Yeah, I know.. you probably just cringed. 😆 But allowing space for a messy, experimental style of living creates space for curiosity, and stops perfectionism in it’s tracks! If you’d like more info on this simple (but still, somehow REALLY HARD!) mindset shift, check out this post: What to do when you’re stuck in Perfectionism.

  • Shift to “What Happens?”:

    “What if” is a fear-based response. It keeps you stuck in a space of fear, and often stops you from taking steps forward. But if you shift to a mindset of “What Happens?” then you’re opening up room for curiosity! It also forces you to take action — Now, you’re not looking for the “perfect” result… you’re looking for ANY result. 🤯

  • Notice the Results:

    While you’re looking for what happens when you TRY something… I want you to start noticing the results. You’re no longer looking for the end result, you’re looking for how it made you feel. How did it look? Was it awful? Did it half-way work, or not at all? You can apply this methods of curiosity to shifting your mindset, or even the way you do your chores!

  • It’s NO LONGER a big deal:

    When you begin to shift your mindset from perfectionism to curiosity, it’s suddenly No. Big. Deal. if you mess up! The fear and frustration around “messing up” or “not getting it right” are gone, because, remember — You’re not looking for a perfect result, you’re looking for ANY result. 🤩

If you’re willing to start shifting your mindset from perfectionism to curiosity, it can completely change your life! But I’ve got to warn you: This is NOT a fast process. Shifting your mindset away from perfectionism isn’t a “one and done.” It’s going to take awhile for your brain to catch on to the new programming you’re building. 😉 This also means that your growth isn’t going to quick either — but when you start from a place of curiosity, you’ll create changes that last because they REALLY work for you and your life. 🌿

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Give yourself Permission to Grow.


Give yourself Permission to be Honest.