Tips for dealing with the Heaviness you might be feeling this season…

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or HEAVY this season? I’ve been hearing from a LOT of people who are all saying the same things — this season isn’t feeling great. In this episode, I’m sharing some tips for dealing with the heaviness you might be feeling this season…

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People have been feeling a lot of HEAVINESS lately. (And, to be honest, so have I!) Everything feels like a LOT. The holidays, the work load, and a lot of people have been sharing with me how overwhelmed, and stressed out they’re feeling. 😔 Or, they’re feeling kind of lazy, and like, they KNOW they have a lot to do, but… they can’t seem to get out of their own way.

Tips for dealing with the Heaviness you might be feeling this season…

  • Let it Be Messy.

    I need to to remember that it’s okay if it’s messy. It’s totally normal. So stop beating yourself up, feeling like a failure, or telling yourself something like “I should be doing ____.” There are seasons of life that feel messier, more complicated, or just plain stressful — and that’s okay. Stop making yourself, your feelings, or the way you’re experiencing life right now WRONG.

  • Get it OUTTA your head.

    You knew I was gonna say this, right? 😏 There’s a REALLY good chance you’re hoarding right now! You’re hoarding your thoughts, mindset blocks, frustrations, and bad vibes — you’re hoarding them inside of your head! Your brain is NOT MEANT to hold all the things. It’s just not! DO A BRAIN DUMP.

    You might enjoy — How to Do a Brain Dump

  • Try the 5 Why’s Exercise!

    After you do your Brain Dump (see above!), you might notice something that really sticks out to you. If that’s the case, then this exercise may help! Basically, you write down the gist of what you’re thinking & feeling… and then you ask yourself “Why?” Continue to ask “Why” until you get to the root of the issue.

    (Side Note: There may not be a “root issue,” and THAT’S OKAY. It might just be a mindset block you need tospeak a new truth over, or a sign that you need to take action, instead.)

  • Get ONE THING off your plate.

    This might sound obvious, or seem silly with the amount of things you need to accomplish… but I promise you, knocking ONE thing off your to-do list can make a HUGE difference. 🤯 Try tackling something really easy, OR, try to do the thing that’s been bugging you the MOST.

  • Reach out for Help!!!

    Recently a friend reached out to me and just shared that she was struggling… and it was honestly such a relief, because, then I felt more comfortable sharing that I was also struggling! We unloaded together, we processed together, and it made me SO thankful to have such a wonderful, supportive and encouraging friend.

    PLEASE HEAR ME: If you don’t have help, REACH OUT TO ME! Send me an DM on Instagram, or share your struggle with me here. I’m here to support and encourage you.

  • Hold this season Loosely.

    Here’s what I mean by this: When you try to control a situation, you often have a death-grip on it, AND the outcome. This mindset shift can make a huge difference in the way you feel as you through a season of heaviness… Imagine the situation, or feelings, like waves. Because, this season will come and go — it always does. Your feelings will come and go — they always do. It might feel like a hurricane, but I promise — it will pass!

    If you can hold what you’re walking through loosely, you’re going to have a better understanding that it’s just a season, and it will pass. So you’ll be able to back up and see the bigger picture a little bit better! You’ll also have an easier time observing your emotions, instead of just experiencing them.

No matter WHAT this season is feeling like right now, I really this encourages you to loosen your grip, and you remember that it’s OKAY to let it be messy. I hope you remember that you are HELD, you are LOVED, and know that you CAN keep chasing wonderment — even when it’s messy! 🌿

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