How to Overcome Self-Sabotage.

Have you ever wanted to reach a goal, only to find yourself self-sabotaging over and over again? 😩 Dealing with this mindset block (and poor habit!) isn’t easy! In this article I’m sharing a few tips on How to Overcome self-sabotage.

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Man, has it BEEN A WEEK. 😳 If you’re reading this becasue you’re struggling with self-sabotage… I’m right there with you. I’m constantly learning and growing through my experiences with sabotaging my own dreams and goals! The good news is that there’s some mindset stuff and practical stuff we can do to help ourselves WHEN we self-sabotage. But, first…

WHAT is self-sabotage?

When you have a goal, vision, or an idea in mind, and as you go after that, essentially, you get in your own way. This could be for a TON of different reasons, but it’s a really common struggle!

WHY are you self-sabotaging?

You might be not ready for growth, you might be scared of the changes, you might have mindset blocks that are holding you back, you might also just have a really bad week or your hormones decide to go crazy.

How to Overcome Self-Sabotage:

PLEASE NOTE: I’m not saying that you’ll never sabotage your progress ever again with these tips… but these might make it easier to walk out, learn through, and grow from!

  • Get Practical.

    Take care of the practical stuff first! Are you burnt out? Need a nap? Need some food? Pushing yourself too hard? Have you been sick? On your period? These things matter SO MUCH, because we often neglect ourselves in the pursuit of that big dream or goal. (OR, life just gets BUSY, and you’ve been trying to do all the things, and you’re worn out!)

  • Get Clarity.

    Spend some time asking yourself what’s actually going on here. What’s holding you back? What are you thinking and believing about this goal, vision, or project that you’re feeling stuck in? Maybe speak into a voice-to-text app, jot down some notes in your phone or journal, or talk to someone that you trust. Just get ALL the thoughts out of your head!

    You might like: How to Do a Brain Dump

  • Find the Root.

    Try the “5 Why’s” exercise! Now that you’ve unpacked what’s going on, try digging a little deeper! If there are a few things that REALLY stuck out to you while journaling or talking out the last point, spend some times getting a little more clear on WHY those things are holding you back. This can help you find even more clarity!

  • 5 Why’s Blog Post

  • Give yourself GRACE.

    I bet you’ve been trying to “keep calm and carry on” for AWHILE. And I’m here to tell you: This isn’t always the right time to “push through.” It’s time to remember that life is messy (LINK!!!), take a breath, and maybe do something different. Try putting on a funny movie, start a craft project, or listen to some music.

    NOTE: Obviously, you can’t let go of the things that matter to you! Stay as consistent in what you can hold, be diligent, and be FAITHFUL with all the gifts that God has given you! BUT don’t force yourself to operate at full capacity when you don’t have full capacity to give.

  • Notice how you Feel.

    As you start to pull back the reigns and give yourself grace, pay attention to how you feel! (Maybe even write it down!) Self-sabotage isn’t usually fixed overnight, but as you experience it and take note of what’s working, what isn’t… As you work through it… you’ll start to see growth!

I’m not going to sugar-coat this for you: Working through Self-Sabotage isn’t a “one and done” kind of thing. What I’ve found is that each time I’m self-sabotaging, it’s often for very different reasons, and I need different things in order to move forward and keep going.

It’s not about finding the perfect method to never experience this again, but about learning and growing as you work through the mindset shifts, the self-care, and and growth that you need to go through in order to learn! 🌿

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