3 Reasons Why you Should do a Journal Review.

Have you ever had a clear vision (maybe even a plan!) for the life you want… only to realize that your vision and plans aren’t turning out quite the way you had hoped? If you’re feeling “un-aligned,” or “not motivated,” keep reading for 3 Reasons Why you Should do a Journal Review!

When I first started living intentionally, having a vision was super easy for me. (I'm a visionary!) Then I learned how to create goals and actually make a PLAN for the lifestyle I wanted to live. I was SO excited!

vision-casting is easy, journal reviews keep you focused on the goal!

But after a few months of working towards my goals, something felt “off.” I wasn’t as excited or motivated. So, I started the whole process over again. And every few months I found myself in the same cycle: Vision-Casting, Goal-Setting, EXCITEMENT! 🥳 I'd work joyfully on my goals for a month or two, and then… BAM: Lacking Alignment. Copy, paste, repeat.

How could I keep the excitement I felt from the vision-casting process? How could I stay consistent, even when progress was slow? How could I keep going on the days when I didn't want to do the hard work involved with living an intentional life?

Then when I learned about Journal Reviews.

A Journal Review is exactly what it sounds like: It's a short review of where you’re at in life. And it can completely change how intentional you are. See; intentional living isn’t as easy as picking a goal, making it happen, and then moving on: There’s growth involved. It’s sticky, and messy, and sometimes… it’s downright discouraging!

doing a journal review can help you keep going when you don't want to

Here are 3 Reasons Why you Should do a Journal Review:

  • Reviews help you see the bigger picture.

    Have you ever heard the phrase “You can’t see the forest for the trees”? Sometimes when you’re in the thick of your daily life, you lose sight of the big picture. It’s super easy to get caught up in the daily stuff of life — dishes, diapers, going to and from work. Doing a Journal Review helps you take a step back and get a really good look at the whole picture.

  • Reviews help you see your Progress!

    Did you know that your brain has a really hard time remembering the good stuff you’ve done? It's actually trying to keep you safe — it wants you to remember the mistakes you made, so you won't repeat them again. But you actually have to teach your brain to focus on your accomplishments! Doing a journal review can help you track, remember and celebrate all your hard work. (click here to learn more about your brain!)

  • Reviews make sure you're Staying Intentional.

    Do you find yourself getting discouraged or distracted from your goals? It is SO EASY to lose sight of your goals when you’re in the thick of everyday life. One day you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, you realize you're out of coffee, and now you're cranky, off-track, and you just don't care anymore. Doing a journal review can help you create focus and clarity for the lifestyle you want.



There are so many ways to do journal reviews — and so many different things you can review! You can review your day, your week, your month, and even your feelings. Creating a habit of reviewing can completely change the game when it comes to living an intentional life.


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How to Prioritize your Life with a List.


My Bullet Journal Spread - April 2021