Here’s a trick to help you CHOOSE your feelings.

Your Feelings Matter — PERIOD. The feelings you experience can be like guideposts (or warning signs!), but… Did you know that you can CHOOSE your feelings? Sometimes we get really caught up in the future or the past… like longing for when you “felt happy” or to a future moment, when you’ll feel “successful.” In this post, I’m going to share a trick to help you choose your feelings so you can be more present in each moment!

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DISCLAIMER: I’m not trying to be a “Pollyanna” and say that you can be happy for the rest of your life. You’re still going to have bad days — and that’s totally okay and normal. Please don’t try to gloss over sad feelings and replace them with fake happiness — it doesn’t work.

I’ve noticed that when people feel stuck, they tend to do one of two things: Reminisce about the past, or long for a future. And both of those habits lead to ONE result: Disappointment in the current moment. If you let yourself get stuck feeling like “Someday I’ll be more ______!” or, “I used to be so _____.” then you’re signing yourself up for a really unhappy present moment.

This kind of thinking actually steals your joy, your contentment, and your ability to find wonder every day.

But did you know that you can CREATE feelings? Yeah, that’s right – you can choose your feelings, just like you choose a pair of jeans or a new car. And it’s actually REALLY easy!

Here’s a trick to help you CHOOSE your feelings:

  • Figure out the feeling behind the thing you desire. Maybe it’s a memory, or some life-changing item you’re longing for. The thing or memory you want isn’t going to change your life. What you’re actually longing for is a FEELING. Underneath it all, you might be longing to feel connection. Or success. Or delight!

  • Now, think of a SIMPLE way to feel that feeling. It really is that easy. 🤯 If you’re longing for connection, give someone you love a call. Want to feel successful in life? Go accomplish a little task you’ve been putting off, like the laundry, or your workout. Want to feel delight or wonder? Go outside and watch the fireflies flicker a dusk, or watch a bee buzzing around a flower.

  • Next, GO DO THE THING! I double-dog dare you to try it. It might sound a little silly, or even pointless… but this can make such a big difference in your life!

When you begin to use this trick to help you CHOOSE your feelings, the most AMAZING thing happens: You’ll actually enjoy your days more! You’ll be less concerned with wishing for the future or the past, and find more contentment in each day. You’ll stop feeling like your life has been put on hold for a future “perfect” date, and be more present. And the best part?

Because your brain isn’t so preoccupied with LONGING (for the past, or the future!), you’ll actually have more capacity to WORK towards the life you’ve been longing for! 🤯

Friend, stop putting your life on hold for “someday” or “I wish.” It’s too dang precious to waste wishing, friend!

Did you try this trick? Let me know what you think it in the comments below!

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