Here’s Why you should Do life YOUR WAY.

Have you ever read a personal development book and felt like you’re doing it all wrong? You try their “perfect method” and quickly realize — it’s not working. And then, the negative mindset starts — “What’s wrong with me? Why isn’t this working?” It’s not you, it’s THEM. Keep reading to learn Why You Should Do it YOUR WAY. (Instead of everyone else’s.)

I’ve been there — So. Many. Times. 😬 I’ve read the lists of “5 things you MUST DO to be the best you” and felt the excitement fade when I realized that #3-5 aren’t possible with toddlers in the house. I tried the 10 things, and the block scheduling, and felt like a failure when it didn’t work. And then there was that method where I set a bunch timers in my phone… SO FREAKING ANNOYING.

Look; I’m not saying that personal development books are bad! But I hate hearing from women that are putting undue pressure on themselves to change their lives or to live in a specific way — because that’s how it’s “supposed” to be done. Please hear me:

What works for her won’t work for you.

What works for your mother-in-law won’t work for you. What works for that Instagram Guru won’t work for you. She might have more help. She has a babysitter, and a personal chef. She has a different life. She has different goals, and different values. She has a different personality.

But what inevitably happens is that we test their “method,” and if it doesn’t work, we get stuck in negative mindset loops. Then you get all JUDGEY on yourself instead of getting curious. WHY didn’t it work? What if the method doesn’t work because it’s not a good fit?

Friend, this will be one of my core values until the day I die:

DO IT YOUR WAY! Stop trying to live your life according to Beck-Home-Ecky on Instagram, and adopt a curious, creative mindset instead. What could you TRY to make this new idea work? What about Habit Stacking? The Happy Planner instead of Bullet Journaling? Making your bed after lunch instead of first thing in the morning?

What if you could STOP living with “musts” and “shoulds” (“ I MUST do it THIS WAY.”) and intentionally give yourself space to test and try? Like, “Hmm. I really want to incorporate ___ into my day. What if I test this idea for 1 WEEK, and see what happens?” Stop putting yourself in this box of what you’re “supposed” to be doing and start LIVING your life.

What if it’s less about finding the “perfect method” and more about figuring out what works for YOU?


Because here’s the thing: I’ve tried SO MANY different methods. It took me a long time to forgive myself for the things that I “failed.” It took me a LONG time to accept the fact that I am not built for strict routines. It took me an even longer time to find creative ways to change my life — ways that worked FOR ME and WITH ME. (And it honestly took me so DANG long because I was so stuck on researching someone else’s methods!)

Friend: Stop googling for more planning ideas. Stop searching on Pinterest for the “perfect” schedule, or the perfect parenting method, or the perfect way to do X, Y, or Z. Let go of the need to “get it right,” and start experimenting! Let it be messy, and do it YOUR WAY. ❤️


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Intentional Living doesn’t equal “Perfection.”


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