Feeling Overwhelmed? Start with one step at a time.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by everyday life? You can get clarity and create a plan for your life — and start Chasing Wonderment. But often when you want to change your life, you try to make a ton of changes — all at once. And that’s not going to help you feel less overwhelmed — it’s going to make it worse. You can live intentionally — One Step at a Time!

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Have you’ve ever looked at your to-do list and felt SUPER overwhelmed? If you’re nodding your head… then you’re in good company! I used to feel like I was stuck in a holding pattern of feeling overwhelmed, and not knowing what to do about it. I would get overwhelmed, feel stuck, and then completely shut down and operate in “survival mode.”

feeling overwhelmed

What I didn’t know is how EASY it is to get un-stuck! When I began learning about mindset, I began finding practical tools that helped me stop the loop of overwhelm and avoidance. These tools helped me get out of that hole… and you can, too! You aren’t stuck here!

This loop of “overwhelm and avoidance” starts with your mindset. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, and you don’t know where to start, your brain freaking out. It might sound something like this:

“This is gonna take FOREVER!” or; “Oh My Gosh… I don’t even know where to start…” You begin looping negative thoughts that will keep you from taking action.

So, instead of accomplishing the thing that you wanted to do, you default to your favorite avoidance technique. (Mine is Netflix. 🤣) And as the problem builds, so does your DREAD of the problem… and, the cycle continues. It’s the WORST!

you can stop the cycle of feeling overwhelmed and stuck in everyday life.

So: How to you STOP this cycle in it’s tracks, and be more intentional (and consistent!) with your time?

You take it One Step At a Time!

And it’s that simple! We’re done here, right? Just kidding, I won’t leave you hanging. 😁 Stopping this cycle is actually easier than you might think! It just takes a little bit of mindset work… and a little bit of planning ahead. 😉

If you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, let’s start simply:

  • Notice your thoughts!

    The next time you feel overwhelmed, the first step is to just notice your thoughts. That’s it! I don’t want you to judge yourself for your thoughts, or feel guilty about your thoughts. I just want you to notice what you’re thinking. Write them down in a journal, or, even on a note in your phone.

    For Example: My brain likes to replay “This is gonna take FOREVER!!!”

  • Re-Write your Thoughts!

    If you let those thoughts control your brain, they will stop you from EVER moving forward and getting out of this cycle. (I speak from experience.) Now that you understand what your natural thought patterns are, it’s time to re-write them! Find an opposing statement, or something that is the TRUTH.

    For Example: Because my brain likes to think “This is gonna take FOREVER!!!” over and over… some of the statements I use to retrain my brain are; “This is gonna be so easy!” or “This won’t take long at all!”

  • Start really small.

    Like, really, REALLY small. One-step-at-a-time small. Overwhelmed by the dish pile? Turn on the water, and rinse off a few dishes— or maybe just stack them neatly. Chances are, once you take that first step, you’ll probably think “Well, I’m already here, and my hands are wet… so I might as well finish this.”

  • Don’t Beat Yourself Up.

    Out of ALL these tips, this is probably the MOST important! If you’re working on changing your mindset and taking things one day at a time… the LAST thing you need to do is tell yourself that you’re failing. It will only keep the cycle of negativity going! Because once you get discouraged, you’ll shut down and not do the things to stay consistent.. and then you’ll be overwhelmed by the pile of stuff to do.

It's time to stop the cycle of overwhelm and feeling stuck and start chasing wonderment!


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Here’s Why you should Do life YOUR WAY.


My Bullet Journal Spread - June 2021