Who said your "Best Life" means Perfection?

Have you ever done a “Vision Casting” exercise? You know the ones — where you write down your DREAM life, with your BEST SELF. And then, when you try to live it out… REALITY HITS. In this post, I’m chatting about why your “Best Life” doesn’t need to include Perfection. 🌿

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You’ve got your “Dream Life” written down, and you’re HYPE. You’re going to do all kinds of amazing things, be healthy and fit, and always be nice to everyone. And then… REALITY HITS. You struggle to follow through. You have a bad day and snap at the people you love. And for some reason, people keep needing to wear clothes — and you don’t want to fold it. 🙄

Here’s the honest truth: Your “Best Life” doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. (Are you relieved? 😁) In fact, I think you lose a lot if you leave out your imperfections. Often the journey to a goal is more important than the destination!

  • You learn the MOST in the MESS.

    Your struggles, trials, hard time, setbacks, and failures are often where you learn the MOST. I know, it’s not the most fun thing to say… but you wouldn’t be where you’re at without a whole lot of struggle. The imperfect, messy things of life are where you stretch and grow the most.

  • You can HELP others Better.

    Your struggles make you more empathetic, teach you to be a better listener, and grow your connections with others. Often, the best way you can help others is by guiding them them through struggles you’ve already experienced! History really is the best teacher.

  • Your Struggles make you HUMAN!

    Often the reason you connect with someone is because you have something in common, right? Our connection with others is deepened when we open up, share our stories, and find similarities. In fact, people usually shy away from others if they feel like they’re “too perfect”!

So… How do you create a vision for your future that includes your humanness?

Your “Best Self” doesn’t mean Perfection:

  • Don’t get caught up or stuck on the TIMELINE for your life.

    This adds SO much pressure when life happens and things get messy. Often, our timeline doesn’t include space for setbacks or missteps. And, like I said earlier, those are often when we LEARN the most along our journey! Don’t be afraid to envision your future life, but don’t get caught up in having an “end date.”

  • Take a closer look at your past mistakes or failures.

    What did you learn? How have you grown? How have those experiences made you more ready for what’s next in your life? Taking a step back to get clear on how far you’ve come can make you more appreciative of the journey.

  • Factor in the Setbacks!

    While you’re envisioning your “dream life” and your “Best Self,” ask yourself, “What might go wrong?” and “What might feel stressful? Then give yourself time to solve for those struggles ahead of time.

Instead of feeling like a failure because you’re not living your best (READ: PERFECT) life, I hope this encourages you to factor in all the many aspects of your life — including the messy, imperfect things. 🌿

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