How to actually DO the work to achieve your goals.

Have you ever wished you could get motivated, stay consistent, and do the work it takes to reach your goals? Recently, a client shared that she wished she had a “mindset leprechaun,” sitting on her shoulder, helping do all the things on her list! If you’re wishing for a leprechaun, too, here are the tips I shared to help her reach her goals. 🌿

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Recently I was on Zoom for a group coaching session, and a client said, “Okay… I LOVE everything that I’ve done, and I’m really excited about the plans I’ve created for the last 6 weeks! But… how do I actually DO it? Because I find myself not actually sitting down and doing the work!”

We chatted about how normal that is (because, it is!), and then she said “I feel like I need a Mindset Leprechaun on my shoulder to help me stay motivated!” We all REALLY had a good laugh, and then I broke the (sad) news:

There is NO Mindset Leprechaun.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 😂 But the reality is that we tend to get REALLY excited when we’re making plans, creating a vision, and setting goals. But when the rubber meets the road (and the chemicals in your brain chill out), the truth is, it’s HARD to keep going. It’s hard to press in when you don’t want to.

*Your brain pumps out dopamine at around 90% when you’re anticipating something… and only 10% when you’re actually doing that thing!

Here’s how to actually DO the work to achieve your goals: (without a Mindset Leprechaun! 😂)

  • Motivation is CRAP.

    If you’re waiting for motivation, you’re going to be waiting for a LONG time. Motivation is the thing you might find yourself waiting for all the time, but it’s also the most fleeting of feelings. Motivation DOES come, but it rarely stays for long. So, HOW do you actually DO the things that you want to do, so you can change your life and live more intentionally?

  • START Experimenting!

    There is NO “perfect method.” I actually have a whole episode about this (Listen to Episode 3 here!), but the long-and-short of it is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all method that will fix your life. This is why the diet industry keeps going — because it sounds GREAT to have a method to lose 20 pounds in 2 days! The reality is, you need to stop looking for a perfect method, and start EXPERIMENTING.

  • ASK Yourself This:

    Grab a pen and paper, and ask yourself this: “What MIGHT work in this area?” <— fill in the blank. Be REALLY specific about the area. If you say “What might work to fix my life?” then your brain is going to freeze. 😂 It’s too broad! But “What might work in help my laundry pile on the couch?” Write down the first couple ideas that pop into your head, and then…

  • TEST Your Ideas:

    That’s right — JUST TEST IT. Try one idea for ONE WEEK. See what happens! See if it works. See if you like it, or if you hate it. You’re not aiming for a perfect result, you’re looking for ANY RESULTS. Good, or bad.

  • CHECK Your Results:

    Any good science experiment watches for results, right? I don’t think scientists freak out when their first experiment fails, and decide that they’re a total failure, right? The whole point of experimenting is that you’re looking ANY results, not the perfect results. So at the end of the week, ask yourself, “Did this work? Yes? No? Did a part of it work? Did I like it? Hate? Were the results worth the amount of time/energy that it took to accomplish?”

Download a Weekly Review page here! 👇🏻

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