How to Embrace Consistency this Summer!

Summer is often a season of CHANGE. It usually bring changes to your schedule, and the way you live your life… and that can wreak HAVOC on the consistency in your life. And that can feel really frustrating if you’re trying to learn or create consistency! In this post, I’m sharing a few tips on how to embrace consistency this summer!

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I’ll be honest: Consistency does NOT come easily to me. I love the freedom that summer brings, and I’ve been known to drop everything to go on a last-minute Target run! 😆 But I also know how important it is to maintain consistency in certain areas of life, and I’ve really been digging into that this year. IF you struggle with consistency, you probably fall into one of these two groups:

  • You enjoy the excitement and freedom of summer, so you DESPISE consistency, but also, you see the value of it.


  • You DON’T enjoy the changes summer brings, but you feel like you can’t do anything about it… so you struggle to keep up because everything is constantly shifting.

How to embrace consistency this summer

Here’s how to Embrace Consistency this Summer:

  • Figure out your PRIORITIES:

    YOU get to decide what matters to you this summer, and WHY. Do you really want to scrub the baseboards and windows? Do you want to go thrifting and invest in some new beautiful decor? Do you want to buy paper plates and not do the dishes? Sometimes the struggles you’re having around consistency come from you not deciding what really MATTERS, and so you’re not able to make decisions that will make consistency easier.

  • Decide what you what Consistency to FEEL like:

    Do you want to feel peaceful? Joyful? Like it’s EASY? Your brain notices what you focus on, so if you’ve already decided that dishes are awful, then your brain will find every reason WHY the dishes are awful. But if you decide that dishes are easy, your brain will look for ways to prove that it’s easy. (NOT trying to be a Pollyanna here! You will still have bad days — but choosing your feelings ahead of time really does work! )

  • Be Realistic & Honest.

    You get to decide what you’re okay with giving up… and what you’re NOT okay with giving up in order to reach your consistency goals. At the beginning of this year, I decided that I would be OKAY with the feeling of boredom — it’s just a sign that I’m heading in the right direction! I know there will be more freedom on the other side of that boredom! I now use the feeling of boredom as a sign that I’m getting closer to my goals, and that helps me stay consistent and keep going (even when I don’t want to)!

    I was chatting with a client recently, and she had this “all or nothing” feeling about being consistent with her housework and goals. When we got honest, she was staying stuck in indecision because she didn’t WANT to work on the weekends, but she also really WANTED to see progress. When we talked about it, we decided it didn’t have to be either/or! She got realistic about exactly HOW much time she was willing to spend. She decided on an hour each day… and felt really excited to give herself permission to ENJOY the rest of her weekend!

Friend, I want you to be able to EMBRACE consistency and also ENJOY everything that summer brings with it! Only YOU get to decide what matters most to you, and what areas of consistency matter the most to you — and learning how to be consistent can help you chase wonderment all summer long!

Do you struggle with consistency?

Let’s chat about it in a Wonder Session!
You'll get a ½ hour chat with me to talk about mindset, intentional living, or whatever — no strings attached. 😉

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