My Bullet Journal Spread - May 2021

A new month is such a great time for a fresh start! But… have you ever gotten to the end of a month and felt a little… lost? It can be hard to look at a new month with excitement (especially if you’ve just come through a really tough season). Keep reading to see my bullet journal set up for May!

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I absolutely LOVE this time of the month, because preparing my bullet journal set-up is my FAVORITE! But… if I’m being totally honest, the end of April was ROUGH. 😳 My monthly review this month was definitely the reset my mindset desperately needed.

So, first of all… what’s the point of preparing for a new month? Well, my planning-friends already know this little secret, but if you’re a recovering Hot Mess like me, then you might need to hear this:


Yeah, my brain exploded when I learned that, too. 🤯 See; I didn’t start out as a born-organized person. Oh, NO... My planning process has slowly built over YEARS of being totally dis-organized and forgetful. I do my best to prepare and plan for a new month because if I do, I am able to be so much MORE intentional with my time.

Bullet Journaling works best for me because it still gives me plenty of wiggle-room for my freedom loving heart. I love the thrill of empty pages, and the ability to decorate and doodle makes my creative heart happy. 😊

Are you ready to see my Bullet Journal Set-Up for May?

Like I mentioned earlier, the first step to preparing for a new month is doing a Monthly Review. This helps me let go of the stuff that didn’t go well in the previous month, remember and celebrate what went well! I also take a few moments to prepare ahead for the next month — think about what might be stressful, and how I could get head of it.

my monthly review in my bullet journal

Then, I take a look at my previous monthly layout inside my bullet journal. I check off the items I accomplished on my to-do list, fill in dates on my habit tracker, and take some time to write some notes under the “What’s Working” and “What’s Not Working” section.

My Bullet Journal Set-Up

Next, it’s time to gather the art supplies (I used my Arteza Watercolor Pencils) and start doodling. 🙂

May Bullet Journal Monthly Spread

The final result always makes me SO happy — I absolutely love how this spread turned out! (Click here to see a time-lapse of my layout!

My Bullet Journal Set-Up for May


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What to Do when you’re Stuck in Perfectionism.


Why you should do a Monthly Review.