Why you should do a Monthly Review.

Have you ever gotten to the end of the month and thought, “UGH. I did NOTHING. I accomplished ZERO THINGS!” ? There’s actually a REASON why you struggle to remember everything you accomplished! Keep reading to find out more…

monthly journaling review

There’s actually a reason that you struggle to remember your accomplishments: Did you know that your brain is hard-wired to remember the stuff that didn’t go well? It’s trying to keep you from repeating the same mistakes! But… it also means that it’s harder to remember and celebrate your accomplishments. *whomp whomp whomp*

Learn more about your mindset here!

If you’re ready to get a different perspective and look back on last month with more satisfaction, you should try doing a Monthly Review!

why you should review each month

At the end of each month, I answer a few easy questions in my journal. This review process helps my brain focus on the good stuff I accomplished, and it also helps me let go of the stuff that didn’t go well. 🥳 The review also helps me plan and prepare for the new month ahead! It’s such a simple, fun practice — and it really is a game-changer for living intentionally.


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My Bullet Journal Spread - May 2021


How to Live Intentionally. (part 3: ACTION STEPS.)